Get in touch
Our Hours
MON-FRI 9:00 – 5:00
SAT-SUN Appt. Only

Help us support Project WingMan / Swing “Fore” a Cause, our 5th annual Golf Tournament, providing Mental Health Care for our Veterans.
Help us support our teens with life changing tools and therapeutic services to support Teen Depresssion and Suicide Prevention.
Help us support our MomSquad project supporting moms through Postpartum Depression and perinatal Care.
Help us support the recovery of families and victims of Domestic and Sexual Violence.
Your donation may be made online by clicking on the DONATE button. You are welcome to donate any amount you wish or let us match you with a client.
Your donation could…
Direct Donations
Your donation may be made via check or credit card. Donations should be sent to Insights Counseling Services, 265 Nevada Station, Auburn, CA 95603. You can also charge a donation to your credit card by calling our office 530-887-1300.
Corporate Donations
Insights Counseling Services can be a great value to corporations and their employees. Our work allows your employees to get back on track sooner, while still having an outlet to work on their grief. We can provide crisis support for co-workers when an employee dies, and we are available to be part of an Employee Assistance Program. Corporations can also make direct donations or become a sponsor of an Insights Counseling Services event such as an all-day retreat for kids.
Why Your Donation Matters
Your generous gift to Insights Counseling Services will help ensure that we will be there in the future to help those who are grieving or anticipating a loss or transition. You can donate to Insights Counseling Services using one of the options listed.
Contact us for more information at sdouden@insightscounselinggroup.o
MON-FRI 9:00 – 5:00
SAT-SUN Appt. Only