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Our Hours
All services are by appointment only.
MON-FRI 9:00 – 5:00
SAT-SUN Appt. Only

The “Baby Blues” is something that many mothers and fathers experience before and after pregnancy. It can include feelings of sadness, irritability, anger, insomnia, exhaustion, tension, anxiety, and restlessness. About fifty to seventy percent of parents experience this. Despite its commonality, many feel confused or even guilty for experiencing these symptoms. The best thing to do for working through postpartum depression is to talk about it with others and seek counseling if desired.
Depression is increasingly recognized as a major worldwide public health issue. It has a negative impact on all aspects of an individual’s life and can even lead to feelings of suicide. Typically, depression is regarded as an adult issue, affecting grown women and men. However, it is increasingly recognized as a significant problem for children as well. Maternal depression, particularly, is rarely paid enough attention. Given its lasting effects on parenting and childhood, it’s important to address the risks and discuss what kinds of strategies can be used to evoke positive outcomes for both parents and their children.
Insights Counseling Services, in partnership with First5 Placer, offers no cost counseling for the prevention and treatment of various Perinatal Mood and Anxiety Disorders (PMADs), including postpartum depression and postpartum anxiety. We invite all moms and their partners to come in for an informal assessment at any time during pregnancy or up to 2 years after the birth of a child. If an expectant mother can have regular mental health check-ups, chances of developing PMD are decreased significantly. But left untreated, PMD tends to exacerbate. The birth of a child brings about many changes. We know you want the best care for your baby. Parent child bonding can be achieved with a little parental self-care. We work with moms, dads, and couples to prevent and treat post-partum depression or anxiety.
All services are by appointment only.
MON-FRI 9:00 – 5:00
SAT-SUN Appt. Only